Sunday, November 24, 2013

Latest Artwork

Hey all~ ^^

Hmm~~ I had 3 days off of work so I have plenty of time to draw~ So I suddenly decide to draw something~ ^^v So here it is~~

This one is done using inking pens only. sizes 0.1 - 0.3. I usually ink using Unipen. and use some white ink for correction and stuff. I wanted to post this to Gempak for Ok ke Ko. Because I'm bored~ XD

And this is Yagami Raito from Death Note. Well, this one is a new experience~ Done using charcoal in reverse (cover the entire page with charcoal then draw using eraser~ XD learn it from the net~) clearly I need to practice more using charcoal. Especially because this one looks so childish~ >.<

Charcoal is hard to control since it's too black and easily smudged~ @_@ so you have to be EXTRA careful when using it~

Well, to experiment using medias that you never used before is fun~ do experiments and dare to challenge yourself~ I think it's the best way to improve oneself and to be a better artist~ ^^v

Peace~ v

Sunday, November 10, 2013

New friend: Prismacolor Colored Pencil

Salam and hello to all~ 

This time, I wanna tell you guys about a new friend of mine (I call my drawing tools friends ↖(^▽^)↗ lol) the PRISMACOLOR COLORED PENCIL!! YAY!! (Okay.. feels like a retard.. ╰( ̄▽ ̄)╭)

Actually I've known about Prismacolor for sometime but I never bought one myself (it's kinda pricey in Malaysia if you ask me X﹏X). So one day, when my boyfriend and I went to KL court in Jalan Duta to file in my Call to the bar papers (btw, I'm going to be a lawyer on 29th November! ↖(^▽^)↗), we took a detour to Central Market and went to an art store. I knew that shop have prismacolor but never in my thoughts to buy one though.

So, I dunno what's gotten in to me that day and I bought it! ╰( ̄▽ ̄)╭ 

And I can guarantee you that I haven't a slightest regret buying it. The effect of the color is magnificent! And I think it's the best colored pencil ever! 

The texture of the color is smooth. For example if when you draw and redraw, you sometimes can see the lines that you have erased isn't it when you color? (In my case, I have those lines lol)But if you color it using Prismacolor, those lines could be covered easily~ ^^ the colors are vibrant and thick. Those are what I love about Prismacolor~ ^^

Here's some of artworks I did using Prismacolor. Though it's not perfect yet, but I'm working hard to get there~ ^^

A drawing for a friend~ Obviously you guys know this is Hatsune Miku from Vocaloid~

Another artwork for a friend~ ^^ And this is Kagamine Rin from Vocaloid~

I randomly draw this one~ Just out of boredom of Sunday~ 
I use camera for these artworks.. so the quality is not so good~ ^^; Please forgive me for that~ ^^

If anyone have tips on using Prismacolor, please do drop a line to me~ I really appreciate it~ ^^

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Pen Pals Snail Mail or Email

Salam and Hey all~ 
Some of the letters I received from my pen pals from Japan and Germany~

Now I would love to ramble about pen pals. 

I love having penpals around the world. to exchange letters, culture and thoughts. I really love it all. but one thing about it is that people doesn't seem to want to exchange letters anymore. I'm talking about actual letters or nowadays they called it snail mail... 

One thing I know is that with the new technologies nowadays, sending emails is so much convenient than snail mails. Call me old fashion or whatever, but for me, to exchange snail mail is the best. Reason being is that letters are more personal. You could know their handwriting. You could tell by writing to you, your pen pals really want to be a friend to you because he or she is willing to take some of their time to write, prepare and posting the letter manually. It actually shows their sincerity in befriending us. 

As for emails, we cannot tell whether that person is really sincere in being your friend or not because it is way too easy to just type ans send it. As long as you have internet connection, then your mail will be sent. that's all. Some of my pen pals just stop replying just like that. 

But by saying this, I didn't mean that those who used email are not sincere in being friends, but I'm just saying, from my point of view that the traditional way of sending letters are great. though it's late, but it's still exiting just to wait for the letter to arrive. You know what I mean? Some of the younger generations don't even know what is the function of stamps at all! It's so sad actually... so from this, we could see that the traditional way of sending letters are facing extinction. 

So... Whichever way you use, it's the same isn't it? What's important is for us to keep in touch.

All I want to say is that I prefer snail mail over emails~~~ ^^v

This is just my point of view. I didn't mean to hurt anybody or anything~ ^^;;

Having said that, anybody interested in being my pen pals? If you do, please send a letter to this address:

Lisa Hassan
No. 38- C, Jalan Kampung Arab,
83000 Batu Pahat,

Will be waiting for your letters~! ^^v

Friday, September 6, 2013

Horror, Folklore, urban legend, paranormal etc..

Salam and hey all~

Well, I am a person who always in love with horror games and movies my whole life. But a few days ago, I had this sudden interest in the stuff I mentioned above. A sudden urge to draw some manga about any folklore tale, or urban legend or what from whatever country.

There are several that I already know about. but, most of them are Japanese's. My favorite is this:

Hyaku Monogatari or 100 Ghost stories~

I seriously think it is cool. Hyaku monogatari literally means 100 tales. This is actually one of the ways how the Japanese summon ghosts.

How they do it? First, in a room, turn off the lights. Make sure there are no source of lights at all. Must be total darkness. 

Then, prepare 100 candles. Light them up then put the candles in the middle of the room.

You gonna need a group of people. 2-100 is possible.

Sit in a circle; circling the candles.

Then, one by one have to tell a ghost story. After the story ends, blow out one candle. Carry out the same way until the 100th story.

When the 100th candle blown, the room is in total darkness, the ghost will appear in the middle of the circle.

Is this really working? Try it yourself then~ ;3

So, let's share stories here! I know there's creepy pasta etc but I just want anybody from any part of the world to share personally horror tales from their countries. Come on~!  ^^v

If anybody comment here, I will be the happiest person in this whole wide world. haha.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Hey you!

Salam and hey all. ↖(^▽^)↗

This is my first post in my brand new blog. Well, I used to have another. It's all about art. But somehow, it didn't work out... ::>_<:: so in the end, I decided to make another. This time, I didn't make it a specific blog. Be it whatever I wanna mumble about. So, yeah. Stay tuned. Haha.•﹏•

Recently, CNBLUE came to Malaysia (24.08.2013, Saturday). And I really love them like all my heart. And I managed to get a moon zone ticket! ↖(^▽^)↗ This is actually my first time going to a concert and it feels great! Especially to get to see them up close~ I just wish I managed to win the fan meeting ticket... huhu... then only I able to give them the gift I've prepared for them...

All I can say is that they are AWESOME~! Love you guys so much~! Yong Hwa, Jong Hyun, Jung Shin and Min Hyuk~! >.<

Here's the gift that I intend to give them... I draw it myself~ ^^
This is CNBLUE actually~ ^^