Salam and hey all~
It's been a big gap between this post and my last post. yup, being too busy and too lazy to update anything... That's me~ Haha. Nope. Actually just busy since I have started going to court. So, after office hour, I got so tired and end up doing nothing at all... =_=;; except sleeping. lol.
Here's something new about me-
I am so into CNBLUE right now... =_=;; Before this, I am a fan but somehow, right now, I am soooooooooo totally into them like butter on a toast. Pfft. Lol. they're the coolest~! >.< so I end up drawing several CNBLUE art. So, there it is, on the CNBLUE art tag you can up there. There's just three of em so far~~ I'll upload more later~ >w<
And about deviantart, from now on, I'll try to stay active again~ I've been on dA for NINE years now~ (That long, huh? ^^) So, before this, I decided to close the account. but suddenly, I feel like maintaining my account. haha.
So here's my dA~
Peace out~ ^^v